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LET’s BE SINCERE!! Forget Nigeria, Which Country Is Truly The Giant Of Africa Now?

 Who gave Nigeria the Giant Of Africa title? – Well, it’s a long lost title 😢

This is because I am not understanding again. If Nigeria is the Giant Of Africa, it means Africa is in real big problem.

Let’s first examine what the meaning of Giant is before we go ahead with this conversation.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, Giant is defined as;

A very successful and powerful person or organization

Merriam Webster dictionary defined Giant as;

A legendary humanlike being of great stature and strength. Something usually large or powerful

The two definations above emphasized on power and success as the meaning of Giant in this context. How then is Nigeria the “Giant Of Africa”?.

Gone are the days when Nigeria still had the power and economic success to boast of being the Giant Of Africa.

I could remember Obasanjo always proud to describe Nigeria at every event he attends within Africa as Nigeria’s President.

Those days Nigeria had a strong military power to the extent that our Soldiers are always sent out to other African Countries for peace keeping but today, we can’t even win the war against Boko Haram in our own backyard😭😭

How about in terms of economy and infrastructure? Some African countries are now doing better than Nigeria in terms of infrastructure, electricity, and economic development.

Those days Nigeria use to export cocoa, cotton and other agricultural produce to other countries are gone.

Well, it’s been a long time the talk of Nigeria being the Giant Of Africa comes up as no Nigerian can proudly say it.

Now, let’s be sincere 👇

Forget Nigeria, Which Country Is Truly The Giant Of Africa Now?

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